The Largest Selection Of California Designated Representative Training Programs
If you are applying for a California Designated Representative license, then you’re also going to need to include proof of required training (specifically, a training affidavit) in your license application packet. Earn a training affidavit by taking any one of our California Designated Representative training courses.

Three (3) distinct Board-approved California Designated Representative training courses for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Earns a course completion training affidavit.
We've continuously offered Board-approved California Designated Representative training since 2002. Nearly 10,000 students have taken our state license-related courses!
We're the only Board-approved provider of California Designated Representative online training for:
  • reverse distributors.

Additionally, we offer distinct California Designated Representative online training classes for:
  • drug/device wholesalers.
  • 3PL (third-party logistics providers).

All of our courses cover the subjects and topics specified on the Designated Representative personal license application form.

Successful completion of any one of our courses earns you a training affidavit accepted by the California State Board of Pharmacy.
Our Online Courses

If you are applying for a California Designated Representative license, then you’re also going to need to include proof of required training (specifically, a training affidavit) in your license application packet. Earn a training affidavit by taking any one of our California Designated Representative training courses.

All our courses are Board-approved,
and earn you a training affidavit
Wholesalers ($525 per student): Learn more! Buy now!
3PL (third-party logistics providers, $525 per student): Learn more! Buy now!
Reverse Distributors ($625 per student): Learn more! Buy now!
Phone: (415) 948-5220
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